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Metal Toxicity In Toy Parts

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Feather Snuggler
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Thanks for posting that, Saroj. The more info we have the more informed choices we can make for our own situations.


Rollerblading along the road
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Nashville, TN
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I'm so glad I noticed this thread. Buying toys this week has been interesting online...there were quite a few stores that didn't say what kind of metal was used, so I ended up passing on a bunch that I would've otherwise gotten. I wish they'd all at least say, even if it's not ss, that way (as someone said earlier) we can make informed decisions. Personally I've tried to only get toys and hardware that is ss...I don't know yet if my guy's a chewer or not, and I'd rather be safe than sorry. I didn't even think of the Boings possibly being zinc plated inside though. Thanks for all the info on here!


Walking the driveway
Bellevue, WA
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Today was Operation Stainless Steel! Originally, I thought I'd slowly phase out all non-ss as I got it, but I soon realized that it would never happen unless I really just did it all at once.

I spent almost $100 on ss hardware. :eek: And I only have 3 birds! I got it at Ace Hardware. If I'd had more forethought, I'd probably get a way better deal online somewhere. Ace was still cheaper than the bird stores that I saw, though.

All the perches got ss hanger bolts, washers and wing nuts. All toys had their chains replaced with either plastic chain, veggie-tanned leather, or kraft paper rope. Bells were all removed. And the links are all ss now. (Those are the big ticket items - yikes!) Screw eyes on the tree stands were replaced with ss as well. There are only a few bolts (from the quick lock crocks) that I need to get to, as well as a few more screw eyes. I want to get it to a point where I know that EVERYTHING is ss, and I don't have to wonder which is and which isn't.

In regards to the magnet test - all the new ss hardware that I bought was NOT magnetic. And all the hardware that I replaced was. So it is really a handy test. If you are getting what you think is ss hardware, do the magnet test and send it back if it sticks, because I can tell you that everything I needed for my birds was not magnetic at all.

I've got pics! The first is the chaos that ensued. Then a toy bucket that had its chain replaced by paper rope, and newly filled with stuff that Buzz likes. During all this I ended up with a bunch of toy parts - one thing I discovered was to use vine ball remnants as "key rings" to string beads on. Buzz totally dug these as foot toys.



Ripping up the road
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Thanks for sharing Sugarbeth.:)


Sprinting down the street
Pima, Arizona
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We finally got all of our new SS today that we've been waiting for...from 2 suppliers, and none of it sticks to magnets with the exception of the nuts on the pearlinks and quicklinks; all of our NP and electroplated galvanized hardware do. Some of our SS is shiny, some is darker colored and some is dull. Even within one box, the color or sheen can vary to a certain degree. It's going to be very difficult to keep the three separated without a magnet always handy and being diligent about keeping things organized. I will be relying on the magnet test to check the metal in each and every toy I make from now on and customers will have a choice as to what type of metal they want from PPBN. Because many of our customers are owners of chinchillas, other small animals, and birds that are not known to chew on the hardware (and customers on a budget,) several of our toys will still be designed with electroplated galvanized wire and hardware.
Can someone please help me sort some of this out though? I am still a bit confused about the electroplated vs NP. Is NP harder? Is the NP safer? Have I missed something even though I've spent the last hour reading this thread for the 3rd time? Is it just more expensive? Perhaps the piece of the puzzle I'm missing is what exaclty is Nickel plated? I have info overload and your thoughts could really help me out. Thanks.


Stainless Bird Toys @ Blu's Bird Toys
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I feel there is nothing wrong with nickel plating except that it does rust but other than that I always thought the plating to be safe... but who knows really. Stainless Steel depends on what grade you get... much of the stuff we buy for hardware is 304 which I guess is surgical steel grade. 316 grade is much more expensive. I am not sure about the electroplating process myself. I am getting to where I am just going to completely phase out N/P hardware and only carry S/S because bird people are getting too concerned about the hardware they use...

I offer both N/P and S/S and I'd say I get about a 50/50 % of customers that choose either. I as well keep a magnet handy as I sometimes get hardware out on my table when making up the hardware for the jolly balls then leave it and later have to check before I put it back into the drawers I keep each kind in.
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Cruising the avenue
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Both NP and Electroplating can wear off. SS does not, no matter what the grade. The grade of SS matters when you are worrying about rust, but other than that, SS will always be safe. The lower the grade of SS, the more likely it will rust. As for birds not chewing on hardware, don't count on it. Even the small ones can be very guilty of it. It really depends on the bird.


Sprinting down the street
Pima, Arizona
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Thanks Jan and Jen :laughing12:I guess that answers my questions...for now :lol:


Biking along the boulevard
Birdie Lane, Indiana
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The difference between electroplated zinc and galvanized zinc.....

Electroplated zinc is mirror like and shiny.
The first pic is an electroplated nut in a Wayne's gym. See the reflection of my finger. I do allow this in my bird room but I watch the birds like a hawk when they get on it.

View attachment 23309

The second picture is galvanized zinc wire. It is dull and not shiny.

View attachment 23310

I do not use this toy anymore.

if you still have that toy, You can buy SS picture wire (its what I use for most of my toys and to tie on cuttle bones with) and remake it just like it is, That way Emily can still have her toy :)

I use SS picture wire on a lot of Kaycee's (IRN) toys because she uses the ENTIRE toy including what holds it together to play with

as do the cockatiels so their toys are made with it too (along with Hemp and Jute ropes)

I buy my own rings to attach them to the cages and I use Nickle plated. I haven't bought a bird toy in years because most of the packages never say what they're made of, SO I gave up and just started making my own,this way i know what they're made of and I know their safe

because all my birds play with the entire part of the toy I will never use zinc or galvanized - no matter how many times it is said to be "OK"

I won't even used Galvanized cages with our Doves and it is safe for them. BUT having them in the house with the other birds I won't take the chance, specially since Nibbles likes to go over and visit Max and Ruby and sit on their cage and listen to them coo I won't risk the life of my birds.


Biking along the boulevard
Birdie Lane, Indiana
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oh and if you buy stainless steel dishes, that comes with the holders (including hardware to attach them to the cage) what i've noticed with ours and we have a lot of them bought from many different stores, is ONLY the dish is Stainless steel, not the holder nor the hardware to put it on the cage, My dishes are NOT rusting at all BUT the holders and hardware ARE BUT the hardware is on the outside of the cage no bird can get to that area and when I wash them, I scrub any loose pieces off and dry well

but i've yet to find replacement parts FOR the dish holders

the parts i am talking about are in this picture - the 2 flat pieces one goes on the inside of the cage behind the dish and the other on the outside of the cage and then is fastened on with the wing nut - both flat pieces and wing nut rusts and the bolt - the ring part hasn't rusted yet !

but if any one knows where i can get a bulk qaunity of those 3 pieces that's stainless steel or Nickle plated and its not going to break my bank account I'd love to know

I can find replacements for ours that hang on like this one but not like the above



Ripping up the road
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Kelli, i just ordered 6 new ones from Joe at birdsafe. They were very reasonably priced. Same problem as you...the holders rust out and that style is hard to find locally. I had been making sure to always have a bowl in the ring so they cannot get to the rusty part. On march 13 I took Emily's water bowl out and forgot to put the fresh one in and went off to do something. When i came back she was sitting on the empty ring and I was sure she had been nibbling on the disclored metal. Even as i watched her in worried consternation a sudden change came over her. She started closing her eyes and started open mouth labored breathing. She drew herself in and looked really skinny. Her tail was bobbing. She looked like she was going to die. She could hardly breathe. i ran in screaming to my family...she ate rust she's dying she's dying and they all came running in and everyone was staring at her. There was nothing we could think of to do. I called the emergency vet (it was friday night at 9) but she had to be paged. She was straining to poop too. I thought wildly i should get aloe detox into her. omg i was so panicked. Wildly hoping it was an egg coming I felt her vent but it was normal...no typical swelling. omg i thought i have killed her. Then suddenly while she was still on the perch an egg shot out of her and fell down. omg i have never been so happy in my whole life. it was just an egg. Finally the vet did call and reassured me that even though Emiy was acting still very stressed she would recover shortly and keep her warm.

So since her Lupron shot last year we have had this one egg on march 13 and things are quiet, fingers crossed. I removed the metal bowls and rings and put in lixits instead but they miss their tiny ss bowls so I ordered them two days ago. I think they are 3.92 each.
That was a very scary night.


Feather Snuggler
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:omg: Saroj, what a fright. I'm so relieved she's ok now and it wasn't any metal issues.


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I am glad to hear it was an egg and not metal poisoning :hug8:


Biking along the boulevard
Birdie Lane, Indiana
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Kelli, i just ordered 6 new ones from Joe at birdsafe. They were very reasonably priced. Same problem as you...the holders rust out and that style is hard to find locally. I had been making sure to always have a bowl in the ring so they cannot get to the rusty part. On march 13 I took Emily's water bowl out and forgot to put the fresh one in and went off to do something. When i came back she was sitting on the empty ring and I was sure she had been nibbling on the disclored metal. Even as i watched her in worried consternation a sudden change came over her. She started closing her eyes and started open mouth labored breathing. She drew herself in and looked really skinny. Her tail was bobbing. She looked like she was going to die. She could hardly breathe. i ran in screaming to my family...she ate rust she's dying she's dying and they all came running in and everyone was staring at her. There was nothing we could think of to do. I called the emergency vet (it was friday night at 9) but she had to be paged. She was straining to poop too. I thought wildly i should get aloe detox into her. omg i was so panicked. Wildly hoping it was an egg coming I felt her vent but it was normal...no typical swelling. omg i thought i have killed her. Then suddenly while she was still on the perch an egg shot out of her and fell down. omg i have never been so happy in my whole life. it was just an egg. Finally the vet did call and reassured me that even though Emiy was acting still very stressed she would recover shortly and keep her warm.

So since her Lupron shot last year we have had this one egg on march 13 and things are quiet, fingers crossed. I removed the metal bowls and rings and put in lixits instead but they miss their tiny ss bowls so I ordered them two days ago. I think they are 3.92 each.
That was a very scary night.

That is scary, i'd be extremely happy to see an egg after that too

did you order bowls and all or just the holders?

When we were buying the bowls we got the bowls plus holders The 5oz were 1.99 the 10 oz were 2.99 but the stores we got them from don't sell just the holders

Luckily the way i have mine set up the rusted parts are on the outside- even if it means It takes me longer to get their dishes put back on,I'll switch parts out with other holders that are not being used at the time to attempt to get the best ones that aren't too yucky

I have tried the water bottles none of my birds will use them

I just wish the packaging would of said only the dish itself was stainless steel, it made it seem the entire thing dish, holders , hardware was all stainless steel


Cruising the avenue
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I am not quite sure where we got them from... but we have completely SS cups and holders. So they do exist, I just don't remember where to find them :o:


Meeting neighbors
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Aisel Murad
I think that most sites companies which sell bird items certificate their productsq so we can be sure that our birds are in save :)


Cruising the avenue
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I think that most sites companies which sell bird items certificate their productsq so we can be sure that our birds are in save :)
Unfortunately, this is not true. One of the biggest bird toy companies, in fact, openly admitted to using galvanized wires and other metal parts in their products despite awareness of the dangers. Several others do as well.
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