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Advice on whether or not to adopt new cockatiel


Checking out the neighborhood

I'm a new bird owner, I adopted a budgie a little over a month ago. He is my first bird, and I absolutely love him! His name is Katkout and I estimate him to be around 4-6 months old.

It's so fun taking care of a bird-- so much that I'm already considering growing my flock. I am fascinated by cockatiels and hear they are another good beginner bird whose calmer temperaments make them good budgie buddies. I have done lots of research but I want the advice and opinions of experienced bird owners as well.

As for my living situation, I live in an apartment. I have two cats, fish, and now my budgie. My cats are older, both around 10 years old. So far they don't seem to care about Katkout when he's in his cage; but when he flaps around they get intrigued. His cage is out of their reach, and when he wants to come out I take the cats out of the room.

I'm a college student, work 1-2 days a week , and play sports. Since I live near campus, I'm usually at home when I don't have classes. As for sports, I'm out an additional 2 hrs 2-3 times a week when I have games and practice. All in all, I'm at home at least 60% of the day, if not more.

If I were to go through with adopting a cockatiel, he would have his own cage and be allowed to roam the apartment when supervised (away from my cats). My apartment isn't large, so his cage would most likely be in the living area. Although it might be crowded, I could also fit him in my room with Katkout if I needed to.

As far as I understand, cockatiels are highly social birds who need far more affection and attention from their owners than budgies do. As experienced bird owners, do you think this would be a good situation to add a new birdy to the family? I want him to have a great life of course, and his well-being is priority.

The reason I'm looking at a cockatiel specifically (aside from the fact that they seem awesome) is because I want a larger, calmer, cuddlier bird who would also get along with my budgie. I'm also looking for a bird who would enjoy sitting on my shoulder while I work. I love budgies, but I understand they are generally more fearful and independent than cockatiels, especially when avian raised (which I'm assuming Katkout is since I adopted him from a pet store). If I can have both my playful, independent, fun budgie AND a cuddly, affectionate bird like a cockatiel that would be great. If I get a cockatiel it will be from my breeder friend who hand raises and hand feeds them, and I will get to meet them in person to find a good match. I know that cockatiels aren't a guaranteed cuddle buddy, but with my friend I will get to know their personalities better.

Any advice is helpful,


Jogging around the block
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
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Real Name
Isabelle (she/her)
Welcome. I am sure other members will respond with more insight but I wanted to share one thing that I did not think through enough about cockatiels before I added one to my flock. Cockatiels tend to spend more time on the ground than some other avian species. My conure flies up and stays perched high on his tree stand or his cage if he gets starled. My cockatiel however often lands on the ground when he gets startled. If your cockatiel does the same, it becomes even more dangerous to have cats in the house. I’m wishing you the best in your search.


Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Cutest Bird Ever!!!
Southern VA, US
Real Name
Meghan (she/her)
Hello and welcome! :hello1:

I got a cockatiel as my first bird, and I wouldn't recommend one if you have cats, especially if the cage is in the main living area. Cockatiels don't hold still frequently, so it'll be a moving target for your feline friends. And @FiatLux is right - I call mine a floor chicken. He loves running around on the floor and being a doofus. Also, they're generally kind of fearless (and kind of dumb, if you get a male :roflmao:) - the cats will be investigated by the bird if he sees one, and that'll be the end of things.


Checking out the neighborhood
Welcome. I am sure other members will respond with more insight but I wanted to share one thing that I did not think through enough about cockatiels before I added one to my flock. Cockatiels tend to spend more time on the ground than some other avian species. My conure flies up and stays perched high on his tree stand or his cage if he gets starled. My cockatiel however often lands on the ground when he gets startled. If your cockatiel does the same, it becomes even more dangerous to have cats in the house. I’m wishing you the best in your search.
Thank you, I'll have to consider this. My cats are very attached to me so I'm not sure how long they'd be ok with staying in one room if the cockatiel is out most of the time.


Checking out the neighborhood
Thanks for your feedback everyone, I decided to hold off on adopting a cockatiel until I'm in a more suitable living situation. I appreciate your input!