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Fridge Noise keeping my birds up


Checking out the neighborhood
I have my fridge in the corner of the living room. The ‘sleep’ cage(aka their normal one) is right across of it about 2m away , slightly to the left. I have measured the noise of the fridge when it does make it with a app once or twice and it was about 30-34db then, but it sounds a lot louder sometimes or feels like it at least. They seem a little less rested the last weeks, and ive tried everything else to be fixed until i realised that might be it. Im now feeling unsure if maybe the fridge noise has been keeping them up or if it got worse because there is an issue with it.

Are fridge noises loud enough to wake them, especially when they tend to be regularly happening and they have been used to it since ‘moving’ to me? I dont really know where else to put the fridge because my apartment layout is very awkward and due to their personalities/plus time issues putting them in a sleep cage separately doesnt work
How do i know its the fridge? Does anyone have experience with parrots sleeping near it? Can i somehow make the noise less disturbing to them without moving the fridge (god knows where cause i dont have any place to put it rly besides bedroom)
Pls help:(


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I had a fridge at my last home that made some quite loud motor noises approx 2-3 times during the night (not normal motor humming, it was like snaps and clunks) and I found if there was not other sounds going on it would wake the birds (and the dog who usually sleeps through everything she should not lol) Once the birds were used to it they no longer got upset about it they just shuffled and went back to sleep, I did find if I turned the air purifier up or had something else running (like the dehydrator or heater) they seemed to notice it less.

Are you seeing problems or hearing birds fussing in the night? What is the issue you are seeing because of the fridge?


Checking out the neighborhood
I had a fridge at my last home that made some quite loud motor noises approx 2-3 times during the night (not normal motor humming, it was like snaps and clunks) and I found if there was not other sounds going on it would wake the birds (and the dog who usually sleeps through everything she should not lol) Once the birds were used to it they no longer got upset about it they just shuffled and went back to sleep, I did find if I turned the air purifier up or had something else running (like the dehydrator or heater) they seemed to notice it less.

Are you seeing problems or hearing birds fussing in the night? What is the issue you are seeing because of the fridge?
Yeah i get the feeling they are tired and not fully rested after waking up and sometimes taking longer naps. (I have a vet appt coming up in two weeks where i will be bringing it up anyways fyi but they seem fine otherwise)
they are both lovebirds and one of them is anxious and was a feather plucker when i adopted him and he started doing it again the last weeks - i think it may be connected to him getting woken by the fridge and being stressed by noise? It happens about 7-10 times in the night i think, or at least the noise is regularly happening. I dont hear them making noise in their home but the anxious one - shai - tends to move on the grit sometimes at night despite not tending to do so for sleep like hes scared of something and i dont know what else it could be. dont know how to test that because at least shai isnt tame enough for me to get him into a sleep cage on the regular in a different room:(

Birdie Mama

Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
Cutest Bird Ever!!!
BC Canada
Bailey, GCC is about 4 to 5 feet from an 18cu fridge. Has not disturbed him. maybe try a white noise machine? You can adjust the sound level so it’s not loud but maybe help cover the sound of the fridge, but like shezbug said, most birds will adjust to sounds as time goes by…:chin:

